Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Doubt in Hamlet - 1267 Words

‘Her death was doubtful.’ Analyse the theme of doubt in Hamlet. In Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, doubt is one of the most important themes. In fact, the whole play is based on the story of a ghost who claims to be Hamlet’s father, and nobody can be sure if what he says is the truth. In this essay, I am going to focus on the theme of doubt throughout the play. I will first speak about the opening scene, and then I will talk about the ghost, which is a supernatural element used by Shakespeare to create doubt in the play. I will also analyse the passage in which Hamlet declares his love to Ophelia. Finally, I will briefly discuss Hamlet’s sanity. What happens in the opening scene is very relevant and foreshadows the atmosphere of the whole†¦show more content†¦I think that the last scene of the first act is one of the most important ones because it is when the ghost demands Hamlet to â€Å"[r]evenge his [father] foul and most unnatural murder† (1.5.25). By asking revenge, the ghost introduces here the main plot of the play, which is going to be based on that revelation. We do not know if Hamlet can trust the phantom’s accusations, if the ghost accuses Claudius because he has proof of Claudius’s guilt or just because he is deducing. Hamlet cannot be sure of any of those questions, and I think that it is this doubt introduced by the ghost that makes Hamlet incapable of action and revenge. The plot of the play focuses on the one hand on the impossibility to know the truth, and on the other hand on the necessity to know the truth to act with justice and with honour. As D.G. James says in his essay, â€Å"[c]onscience requires that we do is right; but then, what is right or wrong in these circumstances?† We can thus say that Hamlet is right to hesitate. It is only in the second act that Hamlet begins to doubt, and begins to think that â€Å"[t]he spirit that [he] ha[s] seen/ May be the devil† (2.2.575-6). When Hamlet realizes that it â€Å"may be a deceiving spirit†, he decides to stage that play to trap Claudius. But â€Å"when his guilt was proved beyond any doubt, Hamlet still did not kill him; he left him alone, giving a reason, plausible enough in Hamlet’s eyes, in the eyes of his audience, and in our eyes [†¦]† (Hattaway, p83). As I said before, theShow MoreRelatedDoubt in Hamlet1256 Words   |  6 PagesAnalyse the theme of doubt in Hamlet. In Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, doubt is one of the most important themes. In fact, the whole play is based on the story of a ghost who claims to be Hamlet’s father, and nobody can be sure if what he says is the truth. In this essay, I am going to focus on the theme of doubt throughout the play. I will first speak about the opening scene, and then I will talk about the ghost, which is a supernatural element used by Shakespeare to create doubt in the play. I willRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet745 Words   |  3 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Hamlet is a unique character due to his unpredictability. He is attempting to discover the truth in a way that no other character of Shakespeare’s has done. We find Hamlet in a state of deep melancholy due to the death of his father, as well as the very sudden and lewd marriage of his uncle and his mother. Hamlet is inspired by the player giving the speech about Hecuba witnessing the massacre of her husb and, Priam. He goes off on his own, and he is bewilderedRead MoreShakespeares Use of Soliloquy To See Characters Thoughts in Hamlet926 Words   |  4 Pagesaudience to see deeper into his characters’ thoughts in his play, Hamlet. This technique helps to reveal Hamlet’s true character, expressing emotions that the audience cannot see through his interactions with other characters. Through Hamlet’s soliloquies, one may notice that his reluctance to take actions that involve death can be attributed to his fear of the unknown and his uncertainty in regards to afterlife. Even though Hamlet seems ardent in his intentions of avenging his father’s death duringRead MoreHamlet Socratic Circle Essay1225 Words   |  5 PagesHamlet Socratic Circle 1. Did Hamlet really go crazy? How does this connect to his wavering between action and inaction? Why doesn’t Hamlet just kill Claudius? Is he a just man who needs assurance beyond a doubt of Claudius’ guilt? Is he unable to take action because the opportunity never presents itself? Is he simply a coward? What are Hamlet’s true motivations for even pursuing the murder of Claudius? Is it Fear? Revenge? Love? Loyalty/Obligation? No, Hamlet did not really go crazy From theRead MoreAn Analysis of How Fear of the Unknown Affects Characters in Hamlet1357 Words   |  5 PagesCharacters in Hamlet Hamlets famous To be or not to be soliloquy in Act 3, Scene 1 provides the context for several of the characters actions. It is a soliloquy about fearing the unknown that lies waiting on the other side of the grave (are we punished and/or rewarded according to our actions on earth?) and as Hamlet reasons, Conscience does make cowards of us all (3.1.2). In other words, Hamlet feels that he is unable to act because of the haunting voice of doubt inside him. He doubts that heRead MoreHamlet s Elastic Heart : Comparing Hamlet And Ophelia953 Words   |  4 PagesThe everchanging relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia in the play Hamlet by Shakespeare has captivated audiences for over 400 years; making it one of the most iconic relationships in literary history. Hamlet and Ophelia’s relationship has been scrutinized since the play s conception in the late 1500s. Thousands of literary critics have made their opinions known about the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia without any definite consensus. Both Hamlet and Ophelia had feelings for eachotherRead MoreHamlet s Elastic Heart : William Shakespeare s Hamlet967 Words   |  4 PagesHamlet’s Elastic Heart The ever changing relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia in the play Hamlet by Shakespeare has captivated audiences for over 400 years; making it one of the most iconic relationships in literary history. Hamlet and Ophelia’s relationship has been scrutinized since the play s conception in the late 1500s. Thousands of literary critics have made their opinions known about the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia without any definite consensus. While Hamlet’s love for OpheliaRead MoreAnti-Idealism In Shakespeares Hamlet1563 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"uncertainties, mysteries, and doubts without driving forward to conclusions.† Furthermore, Edmundson discusses how Shakespeare dismissal of these ideals worked as a reflection of modern societies shift away from the ideals of the ancient world, however Shakespeare’s works also were very influential in encouraging the anti-ideal sentiment. However, while many of Shakespeare’s plays do portray this anti -idealism, one exception to this is Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. While Hamlet does express ideas such asRead MoreHamlets Irresolution and Downfall in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay991 Words   |  4 Pagesthe most famous tragedies written by William Shakespeare around 1600, Hamlet, the prince of Denmark seeks revenge on his uncle, who murdered the King and married Hamlet’s mother, the Queen. Hamlet is considered to be well versed in both polite letters and martial arts. I believe Hamlet is a tragic hero because his irresolution becomes his fatal flaw and it eventually brings him to his downfall. The first appearance of Hamlet is in Act I- Scene 2, he is mourning his father’s, the King’s death.ButRead MoreHamlet And Ophelia Analysis1266 Words   |  6 PagesOne of the most popular plays written during the Elizabethan era told the love story of Hamlet and Ophelia. Throughout Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, some people struggle understanding if Hamlet’s love for Ophelia was genuine or if he was just feeling lust. I think that Hamlet was truly in love with Ophelia. Throughout most of the play, Hamlet showed his love for Ophelia in many different ways. Although he did break up with her at one point during the play and said he did not love her, it was obvious

Monday, May 18, 2020

Sociological Research On Physical Disability - 1398 Words

The labelling theory are the actions of individuals who are labelled or seen as deviant. The theorist Becker suggests labelling theories which is to look beyond by just the norm-breaking act but instead focuses on how society view people who are deemed as deviant in this case physically disabled and reactions from society whether it is good or bad. Physical disability is when a person lost full or partial loss of their bodily functions. Labelling perspective is still relevant in our society and for society to be able to look beyond the norm breaking; society needs to develop an understanding about the difference between ‘disabilities’. Stigma labels may produce the deviant behaviour that is being condemned and therefore individuals can ‘become’ the thing that they are ‘labelled’ as. ‘Stigma are bodily traits, marks or features that are in some way unusual’. Which can occur as a consequence for social rejection. Most sociological research on physical disability by using a labelling theory approach and focusing on the negative consequence of the stigma. Labelling behaviour as disability can provide the disability people with opportunities and whether labelling perspective has a negative or positive consequence on physical disability. Negative consequences would include restrictions on rights, limitations on life chances, limitations on future participation in society and employment difficulties for the individuals who are physically disabled, those all result in a negativeShow MoreRelatedDisability Term Paper1491 Words   |  6 PagesINTRO TO SOCIOLOGY 1 Running head: DISABILITY TERM PAPER Disability Term Paper By Jose A. 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One of the biggest issues we have in the world is the issue of abelism in the workplaceRead MorePlanning Leisure Activities for Disadvantaged Groups Essay1688 Words   |  7 Pagesdisadvantaged groups it is essential to consider both the sociological and psychological factors that ma y influence participation. A short stay excursion to a Melbourne Cup race can be used to highlight the complexities involved in providing equitable leisure opportunities that combat both low social class and disability. As this excursion will highlight, despite the psychological benefits of leisure, young people with a disability face multiple sociological barriers to leisure choices and participation. 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These topics will assist in the understanding of how different people and different cultures react to ill health. 1.1-CONTRASTING SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES ON HEALTH In modern society there is a general consensus that ‘good health’ is something that everyone wants to experience and that each individual knows what this involves. Because thereRead MoreA Place For Call Home : Intellectual Disabilities And Residential Services849 Words   |  4 PagesIntellectual Disabilities and Residential Services in Nova Scotia,† is an article written by Rachel Barken (PH.D Candidate) from the Department of Sociology at McMaster University. This article is about how Nova Scotia still continues to institutionalize people with intellectual disabilities when other provinces across Canada are working on deinstitutionalizing. Provinces in Canada are moving towards the approach of community living based group homes for people with intellectual disabilities. BarkenRead MoreProviding Professional And Vocational Education1709 Words   |  7 Pagesstudents. In addition, in Russia, only 21 universities, according to monitoring, have the opportunity to train people with disabilities of any nosology. At present, a network of resource (support) centers in federal districts is being created in Russia on the basis of higher education institutions, which have considerable experience of working with students with disabilities of various nosologies. These local centers are coordinated from a single center. Since not all universities can create a comprehensiveRead MoreEssay Proposal Traditionally children with disabilities would have been segregated in special900 Words   |  4 PagesEssay Proposal Traditionally children with disabilities would have been segregated in special schools, classes or institutions depending on the severity of their disability. These schools would be tailored to disabled people’s needs and would have staff employed to education these children at their own pace. There was seen to be many benefits to having segregated schools both for economic reasons but it was believed that it would have a positive effect on both disabled and non-disabled students.Read MoreThe Sociological Perspective1326 Words   |  5 PagesIn chapter one of our book it is talking about the sociological perspective. Sociology is defined as the systematic study of human society. It is explained that sociological perspective is seeing the common in the specific. Sociologists look for common patterns in the behavior of certain people. I found it very interesting in chapter one where it states that higher class white men are more likely to commit suicide than any other populati on and that between genders; men are more likely to commitRead MoreInequality Young People with Disabilities Experience in Leisure Activities1724 Words   |  7 Pageswill be achieved by critically examining 5 young people with disabilities on a trip to The Melbourne Cup. By applying psychology and sociology disciplines to the hypothetical study can help explain the continued inequality young people with physical disabilities experience in current society when participating in leisure activities. The 5 young people who are attending this trip to Melbourne are all females who have a physical disabilities and are aged between 18-23 years of age. The girls will arrive

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Assorted - 1438 Words

EN4 Hand Outs Lifelong Learning Intuitive Insight ( realization) Theatre of Life Enriching Education Radical richness Artistry of form and language /described : Philosophical choice of word Truth in the telling Undeniably pleasurable Rapturous appreciation Epiphany in experience * Literature * an art whose medium is language used to affect the imagination. * words themselves can evoke a response even when they are spoken independently of a grammatical setting such as a sentence. * Fiction writers amp; poets share many of the techniques of literature because their effects depend or universal language art. * points up it’s relationship to other serial arts such as music, dance,amp; film ( Humanities)†¦show more content†¦Flexible in form : ( Book length : John Locke, Verse Essays:Alexander Pope) 17. Fable : A short prose or verse narrative illustrates moral, characters are animals. 18. Fiction : An invented narraive, as opposed to one that reports true events. 19. Legend : A story about heroic figure derived rom oral tradition amp; based partly on fact and fiction. rooted on historical events. * leaves questions to the readers 20. Lyric : A short poetic compostion that describes the thoughts of a single speaker. ( Ode amp; sonnet) 21. Memoir : An autobiographical work, nt focusing on the author’s life but to the lives of other people in historical events. ( Memoirs of Second World War by Winston Churchill) 22. Metafiction : concerns the nature of fiction itself either by reinterpreting a previous fictional work or by drawing own fictional status. 23. Myths : story about the origins of a culture’s beliefs amp; practices of supernatural phenomena . * plot may involve interplay bet.worlds 24. Novel : a fictional prose narrative of significant length. A. Autobiographical –tells a nonfictional autobiographical story but uses novelistic techniques such as fictionalized dialogue or anecdotes,to add color,immediacy or thematic unity. B. Bildungsroman – german term, meaning â€Å" formation novel† for a novel about child’s adolecence w/special focus on the protagonist’s quest for identity. C.Show MoreRelatedThe Inc Services : A Gathering Of An Assorted Wellbeing Related Offices965 Words   |  4 PagesAetna inc services is a gathering of an assorted wellbeing related offices that give medicinal services to the general public. It is committed in making the life of the general public better by creating more advantageous situations. This is an unmistakable sign that Standard human services center to make the best for society. Flag human services is one of the real medicinal services gathers that emphasis on giving medical advantage and scope administrations to the general public. This is the biggestRead MoreThe Approach Of Assorted Intelligences Challenges The Acceptable Appearance Of The Word As A Unit Accommodation909 Words   |  4 Pages The approach of assorted intelligences challenges the acceptable appearance of the word as a unit accommodation that can be abundantly abstinent by IQ tests. Rather, Howard Gardner defines intelligence as an adeptness to break pr oblems or actualize articles that are admired in at atomic one culture. Gardner use eight different capacity could be considered a knowledge: 1) Potential of detachment by cerebrum harm; 2) existence of savants, prodigies, Associate in Nursing alternative exceptional individuals;Read MoreSexual Orientation Assorted Qualities May Be An Organization Achievement Variable, By Considering Office Hypothesis, And Asset Reliance Essay1289 Words   |  6 Pages Quetext About Widget FAQ Contact Research question: The point of this paper is to dissect whether sexual orientation assorted qualities could be an organization achievement variable, by considering office hypothesis, partners hypothesis, and asset reliance hypothesis. Each hypothesis offers an extensive system all alone building connections amongst assorted qualities and execution. In any case, different components of hypotheses can be connected in various circumstances. We tried the relationshipRead MoreDiversity in Universities Essay1137 Words   |  5 Pagescolleges has its particular and dissimilar mission. This aggregate differing qualities around organizations is one of the extraordinary strength of Americas higher instruction framework, and has helped make it the best in the people. Protecting that assorted qualities is key on the off chance that we plan to serve the needs of our just social order. â€Å"Diversity enriches the educational experience. We learn from those whose experiences, beliefs, and perspectives are different from our own, and these lessonsRead MoreA Diverse Pool Of Skills With Fresh Ideas1645 Words   |  7 Pagesprosperity and intensity relies on its capacity to grasp assorted qualities and understand the advantages. At the point when associations effectively survey their treatment of working environment assorted qualities issues, create and actualize differences arranges, and numerous advantages. Employing a different workforce can supply a more noteworthy assortment of answers for issues in administration, sourcing, and portion of assets. Workers from assorted foundations bring singular gifts and encounters inRead MoreShould Citizens Being Able For Interact And Communicate With Local Nationals?1677 Words   |  7 Pagesfrom the perspective of world of values, and stereotyping (Hofstede, 1983). Despite the fact that human asset supervisors have recognized the need to tackle compelling multicultural differences administration rehearses to overcome boundaries for assorted qualities and procure the prizes of a different workforce, working environment differing qualities is a standout amongst the most noteworthy difficulties confronting directors today (Goldkuhl, 2012). Administrators may confront the trouble of needingRead MoreAn Article From The Claremont Institute Recovering The American Idea, A Golf Story, By Thomas D.982 Words   |  4 Pagesabsence of assorted qualities of perspectives on grounds is an issue, then actually presuming that it wasn t generally an issue all things considered. The author points out that Mill’s admits that Bowdoin is a liberal school, and that they need more diversity however the author does not think Mills has an answer to the problem pointing out more contradictions that Mr. Mills makes. The author then empowers Mills and the Bowdoin family to consider important their objective of expanding the assorted qualitiesRead MoreBiodiversity Is Important Becauseit Supports The Ecosystem.1509 Words   |  7 Pagesspecies differences guarantees characteristic manageability for all living things .Also Sound environments can better withstand and recuperate from an assortment of calamities,thus while we overwhelm this planet, despite everything we have to save the assorted qualities in natural life.Another way biodivesity is importnant is its economic benefits to humans. Biodivesity is the first resource when it comes to humans.A great many people consider biodiversity to be a supply of assets to be drawn upon forRead MoreAnalysis of the Cement Business1152 Words   |  5 Pagesa specific admixture because of fluctuating chemicalcomposition could behave contrarily alongside a specific brand of cement. These indirect measures could not be atrue indicator of quality of cement. Hence it is extremely vital to comprehend the as sorted quality perceptions ofthe client from a marketing viewpoint. A marketer must to not be contrasting the product comparative tocompetition but safeguard that the product is of elevated value. A firm has to adequately inspire the client toachieve valueRead MoreThe Marketing Strategy Of Pepsico778 Words   |  4 PagesPepsiCo divisions are further ordered into various organizations, for example, Sabritas, Tropicana, Frito-Lays, Pepsi Beverages and that s just the beginning. The organization has its dispersion and assembling offices, and in addition, likewise has an assorted workforce with around 271,000 representatives (Forbes, 2015). PepsiCo effectively underscores on its corporate social obligation and adds to the general public, and additionally, nature. PepsiCo adds to society and environment by saving normal assets

Balance Sheet and Sylvan free essay sample

On January 1 2007, Pillar purchased 60% of the common shares of Sylvan for $4,500. On that date, Sylvan had common shares of $1,250 and retained earnings of $3,000. Fair values were equal to carrying values for all Sylvan’s net assets except inventory, capital assets and notes payable. The fair value of inventory was $60 more than book value, the book value of capital assets was $100 greater than fair value and the Notes payable had a fair value of $150 less than book value. Assume that all shares of Sylvan have the same value and no control premium was paid at the date of acquisition. The Consolidated Financial statements will be prepared using IFRS Entity Method. The financial statements for Pillar and Sylvan for the year ended December 31, 2010 were as follows: Balance Sheets December 31, 2010 $000’s PILLAR SYLVAN Cash $680 $435 Accounts receivable 1,755 1,025 Inventory 2,849 1,790 Capital assets—net 3,976 3,000 Investment in Sylvan 4,500 Total assets $13,760 $6,250 Current liabilities $400 $255 Notes payable 5,800 1,185 Common shares 2,000 1,250 Retained earnings 5,560 3,560 Total $13,760 $6,250 Statements of Income and Retained Earnings Year Ended December 31, 2010 PILLAR SYLVAN Sales and all other Income $4,040 $2,710 Cost of sales 1,600 1,140 2,440 1,570 Amortization (480) (310) Other expenses and losses including taxes (500) (210) Net income 1,460 1,050 Additional information: numbers in $000’s 1. Capital assets are to be amortized over an average remaining useful life of 8 years at January 1, 2007 and the notes payable mature on December 31, 2011. Goodwill impairment losses for 2008 and 2010 were $240 and $300 respectively. Straight line amortization is acceptable for all acquisition differentials. 2. At December 31, 2010, Sylvan’s inventory included goods purchased from Pillar for $760. Total purchases from Pillar in 2010 were $1000 all priced at mark-up’s averaging 25% of Pillar’s cost. 3. On December 31, 2009, the inventories of Pillar contained $500 of merchandise purchased from Sylvan. Sylvan earns a gross margin of 30% on all sales to Pillar. During December 2010, Pillar purchased merchandise from Sylvan for $900 and did not pay for$250 of the purchases by December 31, 2010. 40% of the inventory was resold by Pillar before the year end. 4. On July 1, 2010, Sylvan sold a new tract of Land to Pillar for $170. On December 1, 2009, Sylvan had bought the land for $200. The fair market value of the land at July 1, 2010 was $220. 5. On September 30, 2008, Pillar sold Land to Sylvan for $100. The land had a book value of $60 on the date of the sale. 6. On December 1, 2010, Pillar and Sylvan declared and paid dividends of $150 and $100 respectively. 7. Both companies pay taxes at the rate of 40%. Assume all intercompany Transactions are taxed at 40% REQUIRED: Please use a GREEN BOOKLET 1. Prepare a Consolidated Balance Sheet at December 31, 2010. (22 Marks) 2. Prepare an independent calculation of ENDING Consolidated Retained Earnings at December 31, 2010. (11 marks) 3. Assume Pillar wishes to use the equity method in their General Ledger, calculate Investment income from Sylvan for the year ending December 31, 2010 (10 Marks) NOTE: This question will help you prepare for the technical question on the midterm. Do more than the question asks so that you are prepared for any possible questions you may be asked: Eg. Prepare a Consolidated Income statement and an independent calculation of Consolidated Net Income attributable to Parent company shareholders Calculate the Investment Income under the equity method: Note the only difference between the equity method used when significant Influence is present and the equity method used in the general ledger of the parent when control is present is the treatment of downstream transactions. According to IAS 28.28 all unrealized intercompany profits are eliminated proportionately between investor and investee. Therefore if investor owns 30% of investee, 30% of all unrealized profits/losses are removed. When control exists the parent eliminates upstream proportionately with NCI and downstream unrealized profits are eliminated 100% from parent. Check figures: At December 31, 2010 Goodwill at acquisition ($3,140) $2,600 Consolidated total Assets $17,615.6 Capital assets $6916 Consolidated Retained Earnings $5331.28 NCI Balance Sheet $2924.32 Consolidated Net Income Entity $2052.1 Attributable to Parent shareholders 1754.78 Attributable to NCI $297.32 Investment account Balance sheet :equity method $4,271.28 Investment income equity method 2010 $354.78(removing 100% downstream)

Marble Sarcophagus with the Triumph of Dionysos and the Seasons Essay Example For Students

Marble Sarcophagus with the Triumph of Dionysos and the Seasons Essay The Roman figure called Marble Sarcophagus with the Triumph of Dionysos and the Seasons, was made in late imperial, Gallienic, around 260 to 270 C. E as part of the Roman culture. The figure is a marble sculpture and is about 34 X 85 X 361/4 inches tall. As a result of the size, we can tell this piece might be supplementary relevant and important in Roman culture. Although the artist of this figure is unknown, it is known that it was created for a wealthy family. The sarcophagus is a typical example of Roman funerary art, which were usually created to commemorate the powerful person. At the Metropolitan Museum, Marble sarcophagus with the Triumph of Dionysos and the Seasons   of art really stood out to me because it shows some kind of realism. Marble sarcophagus with the Triumph of Dionysos and the Seasons   is a luxury created for a wealthy family. However, the massive size, expensive marble material, the use of 3D design and display of important imperial figures indicate otherwise. This essay will argue that there is always a social classification in our life, from ancient to modern; With social classification, the society is classified into different groups, the upper, middle and lower class. This piece was made for an important and wealthy family, which confirms the truth of only upper class group in ancient time could be able to own this sarcophagus as a symbol of taking gods of life into the afterlife. The figure symbolizes sarcophagus, which is known as a container or coffin for burying dead human bodies. In Roman culture, the production of sarcophagus was most commonly made in marble stone. During the late imperial period of Rome, marble was extremely expensive and rarely exclusive. When sarcophagus was built, marble had to be transported all the way from the Eastern Mediterranean to Rome. The materials used to complete such task were a hammer and a chisel, in order to carve the marble slowly and carefully into the sarcophagus. During the procedure, workers needed to be very careful and watchful to chip the marble, in order to form the human body shapes. After the chipping was done, it would first give a rough surface, however they would like to make the surface smooth. In order to make the marble smooth, the workers then used another stone called abrasion to transform the rough surface into a smooth piece of art. The abrasion, it also helped the marble to look more shining and figured. During Roman funerary traditions, they used burial as a form or action of placing the corpse of a dead person body in a tomb. Roman culture has turned the sarcophagus in funerals to a luxury symbol in the period. There is lot of detail carved into the piece, to form the humans clothing, to the body movement and the legendary elements. Sadly, at the back the figure has become rough and dark, however, the sides and front of the sarcophagus are distinctively decorated with forty human and animal figures. The color of the sarcophagus is just as the natural color of marble. When look at closely, the sarcophagus sort of highlights the four naked young men, which represent the four seasons in Roman culture. (Fig. 3) In Roman cultures, tombs and graves involved in the expectation of human soul of bringing the lifetime social status into the afterlife. As a result, the bigger the size of the sarcophagus indicates a higher status of the dead person. The realism of the figure reveals wonderfully in physical beauty of both the animal and human bodies in the figure, which clearly illustrates the scene of Roman culture. In the central figure (Fig. ), the God Dionysos is wearing a tunic, sitting on a panther with holding a weapon on one of his hands. .u2e16ae90a70d107d1f2acac68d272a82 , .u2e16ae90a70d107d1f2acac68d272a82 .postImageUrl , .u2e16ae90a70d107d1f2acac68d272a82 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2e16ae90a70d107d1f2acac68d272a82 , .u2e16ae90a70d107d1f2acac68d272a82:hover , .u2e16ae90a70d107d1f2acac68d272a82:visited , .u2e16ae90a70d107d1f2acac68d272a82:active { border:0!important; } .u2e16ae90a70d107d1f2acac68d272a82 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2e16ae90a70d107d1f2acac68d272a82 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2e16ae90a70d107d1f2acac68d272a82:active , .u2e16ae90a70d107d1f2acac68d272a82:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2e16ae90a70d107d1f2acac68d272a82 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2e16ae90a70d107d1f2acac68d272a82 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2e16ae90a70d107d1f2acac68d272a82 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2e16ae90a70d107d1f2acac68d272a82 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2e16ae90a70d107d1f2acac68d272a82:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2e16ae90a70d107d1f2acac68d272a82 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2e16ae90a70d107d1f2acac68d272a82 .u2e16ae90a70d107d1f2acac68d272a82-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2e16ae90a70d107d1f2acac68d272a82:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: History of Sculpture EssayIt might be little hard to recognize the god because he is overshadowed by figures. However, the king Dionysos still can be seen as superior, through his position and pose. Dionysos was the son of Zeus and Semele. He is the Greek god who is recognized as naughty and odd. He was keen on wine, and preferred to party and celebrate. Looking closely into the figure, there are four larger male figures who are standing on a parallel line, with the god Dionysos. The two at the sides, are facing the front, and the other two in the middle are facing the opposite direction with each other, holding a cup. These four figures represent the four Seasons, winter, spring, summer, and fall, in order from left to right (Fig. 5). Besides these five larger figures in the front, there are also other two large figures at the sides of the sarcophagus that also considered significant. One figure on the left side is a female, lying at the ground. The female is receiving fruits from the youth figure, while the other two male figures at her back are carrying fruits in their hands as well. The female figure is an identification of a Mother Earth  as a female god from thousands of years. The revival of the worship of Mother Earth   first began in Christian period in 18th century, which made about the female earth as Mother Goddess. The worship of Mother Earth gives an indication about the cycle of human revolution. During the human revolution, the female earth god owns supreme power, which people worship Mother Earth  as a spiritual and cultural practice of dominant importance. On the right side is a male figure, with long hair and a beard lying at the ground. The man is also surrounded by two youth figures and two male figures, in the same position as the female figure. The male figure is an identification of a River-god . By the time, the River-god   was used as the name to refer to the river Nile. It is possible that the figures are considered as the two other additional seasons. The royal people in ancient times liked to crave gods or deities on their tomb as a representation of the lifetime status enable to show a dominant power. The seasons around illustrate the imperial power of the king, and the royalty. As a result, the object sarcophagus was considered as a luxury, for which only a very wealthy and powerful person would have been able to own it. Perhaps, this particular sarcophagus might belong to one of the aristocratic families in Rome. So that, it can confirm the truth of only upper class group in ancient time could have ability to own this sarcophagus as a purpose of taking the gods of life into the afterlife. Also, it also gives purpose to let the next century people to accommodate and worship the great god. Bibliography: 1. The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Marble sarcophagus with the Triumph of Dionysos and the Seasons 2. Joshua J. Mark, Burial, Ancient History Encyclopedia, published on 02 September 2009, 3. Weitzmann, Kurt, Age of spirituality: late antique and early Christian art, third to seventh century, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, no. 386, 1979.